Give Today to Help Houstonians in Need

Our Mission & History

Christian Community Service Center has flourished and grown over the years, with programs developing and adapting to changing community needs. Yet, our founding mission and values remain steady.

Our Mission

To serve the poor, hungry, disabled and otherwise needy while respecting their religious, ethnic or cultural differences.

Our Values

We work to reduce the effects of poverty in the local community and remain grounded by the following values.

We are mission-focused

Mission and people come first, with trust and understanding that needed resources flow from this priority. Fundraising and other business decisions emphasize an attitude of gratefulness and humility. We demonstrate appreciation for both small and large donations by equally respecting all donors.

We integrate principles of business and faith

Our ministry applies core business principles to the accomplishment of our mission, returning value to the community in an efficient and effective manner. Decisions are made with deliberation and prayer. Staff and volunteers are committed to outstanding stewardship of all resources and strive to live the gospel message by seeing the face of Christ in everyone.

We are compassionate

We are servants who provide hope as well as tangible services. It is our intent to maintain a culture that is relationship-based for clients, volunteers, donors, member churches, and all stakeholders.

We are volunteer-based

We accomplish our mission in partnership with a large and dedicated base of volunteers. These engaged volunteers allow us to maintain a high level of client assistance with a modest staffing structure.

We treat all people with dignity and respect

As Christians, we serve those in need while respecting their religious, ethnic or cultural differences. Out of respect for the diverse views held by member churches, volunteers, and our community, we refrain from proselytizing and from taking a stance on public policy issues.

We are ecumenical

We are more interested in uniting our community than in creating dividing lines. We are committed to living out together and celebrating that which unites us - our shared commitment to Christ and the service of the poor.

Our History

Christian Community Service Center was founded through a grassroots effort begun in 1977 by J. Dean Robinson, a diaconal minister on the staff of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church. In 1980, six churches (St. Luke’s United Methodist, St. John the Divine Episcopal, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Bethany Christian and St. Stephen’s Episcopal) incorporated to create CCSC as a Texas nonprofit corporation.

The original vision of the founding churches was to create an organization to fulfill the Church’s call to meet the immediate needs of people in crisis. By banding together, churches could maximize community resources and prevent duplication of services. CCSC then became the local outreach office of its member churches, and today it is a coalition of 40 unique Christian churches.
Feeding Hunger, Fostering Hope, Furthering Success
P.O. Box 27924, Houston,
Texas 77227
3434 Branard St,
Houston, TX 77027
Copyright © 2025 Christian Community Services Center
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