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A few years ago, our staff became aware that a bee colony had made its home near the roofline of our administrative office. It seemed like a small hive, but as we spoke to experts, it became clear we needed to hire a real beekeeper to remove this small hive. The beekeeper we hired actually filmed the removal, and members of our staff were entertained (and horrified) by what we saw on video.

It was not a small hive: 100 pounds of honey were extracted, and we were told the hive had been there for years. And that we were incredibly, incredibly lucky that no one was hurt as this was an active African bee colony. So as we're watching this video, the main beekeeper says this, "I'm not a religious person, but someone has been watching out for these people".

God's providence. There are probably different opinions on how God's providence works. As for me, I don't have to understand it to trust that it's there, and God will provide what I need for any situation.

Here's something else I believe: people can become instruments of God's providence, and in watching the video (I did smile at the beekeeper's comment), I naturally thought that CCSC has been God's providence for thousands of people through the years. We are God's providence when we hear a family's distressing situation and help formulate solutions, when we help an elderly person stretch their social security for that month, when we give an at-risk child needed prescription eyeglasses, when we empower an unemployed person with new skills, and when we communicate authentic caring and love.

So while we can wonder how exactly God's providence works, we can also become God's providence to another by simply reaching out and helping.

Note: this was originally published in CCSC's newsletter and posted here by request.

Feeding Hunger, Fostering Hope, Furthering Success
P.O. Box 27924, Houston,
Texas 77227
3434 Branard St,
Houston, TX 77027
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