Give to Help Houstonians in Need


December 17, 2015
Category: About CCSC
The staff is laser-focused on mission
Every Christmas, our staff has a party to celebrate the year and exchange "white elephant" gifts. Pictured above is Karen Holloman wearing her new scarf, with Michelle Baker and Nia Simmons...
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October 2, 2015
Category: About CCSC
No canned beets for me, thank you
    Or wax beans either. I would gag if I had to eat either one of those. This is the season for food drives, and it's great for CCSC...
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September 18, 2015
Category: About CCSC
Sleigh bells are ringing
At the Sunshine Resale Shop, we sell Christmas decorations almost year-round, but this week we had the above vintage sleigh donated. It's for sale, along with lots of other holiday...
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July 6, 2015
Category: About CCSC
This is a long one, and it ends with a Baptist and a Catholic
I was speaking to a group earlier this year, and a woman came over, introduced herself, and let me know that she regularly reads my blog and wondered why I...
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April 27, 2015
Category: About CCSC
Why I Attend Church
A friend read one of my prior blogs and suggested I write on why I go to church. She stated that since church attendance is declining in the United States,...
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January 23, 2015
Category: About CCSC
Are your hands open?
We've finalized our numbers for 2014, and now know precisely how many people we helped and how we helped them. On Tuesday night, we shared these results at our Annual Meeting.  The...
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July 25, 2014
Category: About CCSC
Has your office changed over the years?
My grandfather worked for a health care company and had a secretary who took dictation, typed up his correspondence, and answered his phone. I imagine that office would have had a mimeograph...
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June 23, 2014
Category: About CCSC
Try something new in the church world
Over the years, I have spoken at and worshipped in most of CCSC's 41 coalition churches. Being in all of these churches is easily one of the things I enjoy most about...
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June 11, 2014
Category: About CCSC
Technology is great, but...
I was speaking to a group of students about their careers and was asked an almost rhetorical question: "Being tech savvy is the most important skill to have, right?"  My answer...
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March 10, 2014
Category: About CCSC
Questions on poverty
A few months ago, I spoke to a group of people giving a CCSC talk, outlining our mission and programs.  Near the end, I opened it up for questions.  Several people...
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Feeding Hunger, Fostering Hope, Furthering Success
P.O. Box 27924, Houston,
Texas 77227
3434 Branard St,
Houston, TX 77027
Copyright © 2025 Christian Community Services Center
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