CCSC is open and serving those impacted by Hurricane Beryl and other crises.


April 10, 2014
Category: CCSC Stories
I had a pity party last week
Last week I had a virus, one that makes you feel miserable and wishing scientists would find a cure for the common cold.  In addition, my husband was out of...
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March 14, 2014
Category: CCSC Stories
What kind of driver are you?
If you read my last post, you’ll see that I address the misconception that all poor people are alike and cheat the system.  A friend read the post, and with...
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January 17, 2014
Category: CCSC Stories
With apologies to mathematicians, numbers aren't everything
We are working hard to finalize our 2013 numbers to report the year's results. This involves our financials as well as our program statistics and outcomes.  Essentially, CCSC had a good...
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December 20, 2013
Category: CCSC Stories
Do we ever give up on someone?
We helped someone a few weeks ago who was homeless for 40 years until he decided to come off the streets.  Over the years, many people had tried to convince...
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November 27, 2013
Category: CCSC Stories
My children won't eat cauliflower
One will eat a salad, but not carrots; the other won't eat anything green and is suspicious of most vegetables.  My children don't realize it, but they live privileged lives...
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November 5, 2013
Category: CCSC Stories
Patience & Strength
I recently sat through a client interview that was heart-breaking.  A couple about my age had their life changed two months ago when the husband was diagnosed with cancer.  Because...
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October 8, 2013
Category: CCSC Stories
I was standing in the hallway of one of our food pantries, waiting for a camera crew to finish filming, and struck up a conversation with a client. She is...
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Feeding Hunger, Fostering Hope, Furthering Success
P.O. Box 27924, Houston,
Texas 77227
3434 Branard St,
Houston, TX 77027
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