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Annette Tarver receives the Texans Community Quarterback Award at the December 8 Texans game. Pictured (left to right): Texans President Jamey Rootes, CCSC Volunteer Annette Tarver, BHP Vice President of Well and Seismic Delivery Derek Cardno, and President and CEO of United Way Houston Anna Babin.

Annette Tarver Wins Community Quarterback Award

Christian Community Service Center Volunteer Annette Tarver has been honored with the 2019 Houston Texans Community Quarterback Award.

The Community Quarterback Award, developed through a partnership between United Way of Greater Houston, the Houston Texans and BHP, recognizes "individuals who have shown true volunteer leadership in their communities and have gone above and beyond in their volunteer roles," according to the United Way.

The prize carries a $25,000 donation to CCSC in Annette's honor. Nine other Community Quarterback Award finalists each received $5,000 gifts to their respective organizations. The honors were presented on-field during a pre-game ceremony at the December 8 Texans game.

CCSC volunteers are a team, and on that team Annette Tarver is a utility player--an all-around volunteer who lends her time and talents in a multitude of ways. You might see her inputting data in the office, assisting families at Back To School or Jingle Bell Express check-in, distributing food at a Food Fair, laying out the Azalea Gala auction, mopping a floor, or wearing a hard hat on the site of CCSC's new building, for which she serves as Building Project Liaison for CCSC.

"I appreciate that I can use my interests (children, data, architecture) and strengths (organization, graphics and attention to detail) when I volunteer at CCSC," said Annette, who majored in Architecture at Rice University and has an MBA from Washington University in St. Louis. "I feel appreciated at CCSC," she adds. "And I know that I am positively impacting the lives of vulnerable families."

Demonstrating her trust in Tarver's skills, CCSC Executive Director Michelle Shonbeck designated Annette as the "owner's rep" for construction issues on CCSC's new building. "Along with concrete structures, Annette's blood, sweat, and tears will saturate the new building, helping lay the foundation for CCSC's vision to serve more and serve better," Shonbeck said.

"CCSC is very fortunate to have Annette committed to its mission to help feed the hungry, keep families in their homes, and help the unemployed and underemployed in their job searches," Shonbeck added. "The hours Annette gives to virtually every aspect of CCSC are akin to those of a part-time employee. She is a blessing."

From left to right: CCSC Administrative Director Kelly Finkenbinder, Building Project Liaison Annette Tarver, CCSC Office Manager Elise Boden and Arch-Con's Vice President-Community Neil Potter. 
Feeding Hunger, Fostering Hope, Furthering Success
P.O. Box 27924, Houston,
Texas 77227
3434 Branard St,
Houston, TX 77027
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