Give to Help Houstonians in Need

I recently sat through a client interview that was heart-breaking.  A couple about my age had their life changed two months ago when the husband was diagnosed with cancer.  Because his job is physical in nature, he cannot work post-surgery, and his employer does not offer disability insurance.  Meanwhile, their expenses are escalating. CCSC helped pay their rent and signed them up for our food assistance program.  He is receiving treatment in the medical center, and they are optimistic because the cancer was caught early.

His wife shared how hard this has been for them emotionally and talked about their need for patience.  They had to wait for the diagnosis; they are waiting to hear the results from surgery and subsequent treatment; they wait but want answers now.  She noted that their faith is giving them patience and strength.

She wondered aloud how people cope without faith, and we agreed it would almost be like living without gravity.

So often when I speak on CCSC's mission I say that the clients inspire me, and this couple did. They have chosen to trust that God will not abandon them but will instead give them what they need: patience and strength.  Their trust is a gentle reminder to each of us that through the ups and downs of our lives, God is present and will give us what we need.

Feeding Hunger, Fostering Hope, Furthering Success
P.O. Box 27924, Houston,
Texas 77227
3434 Branard St,
Houston, TX 77027
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