Help Hungry Houston Families

I can't stop thinking about a family we helped a few weeks ago. The family is comprised of a mom with three children ranging in age from 16-22. Two of the children are in high school, and the other attends a local university. The two oldest work for their own college expenses, and the youngest just turned 16 and is now looking for work.

They live on about $1,400/month, and it was clear during the interview  process that the mother has exceptional budgeting skills. It was also clear that she has passed on her work ethic to her children.

The family came to CCSC needing food because they run out occasionally, so of course we helped and let them know how we can continue to help.

The children are impressive, but the person who has stayed in my mind has been the mother. She doesn't have much discretionary time or money, but she has intentionally passed on her values and her vision for her children's future.  That vision, I imagine, is what keeps them all moving forward in difficult circumstances.

I'm grateful to have met this mother, and I'm really grateful that CCSC had the opportunity to make a small investment in this family's life.

Feeding Hunger, Fostering Hope, Furthering Success
P.O. Box 27924, Houston,
Texas 77227
3434 Branard St,
Houston, TX 77027
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