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Recently we received a thank you note from a mother:

I'm writing this letter to tell you how thankful I am for all the help you have given me and my family. There was a time when my husband was not working, and I was pregnant. Whenever I had a craving, we would gather all the nickels and dimes to buy whatever it was I craved.

After my daughter was born, I found your center, and you helped me so much with clothes, diapers, and sometimes even formula. Words cannot begin to describe how blessed I have been with your help...May God multiply your blessings, each and every one of you at CCSC.

I didn't include the full letter, but she came to us more than once and recounts how she cried during one visit because of the kindness of the volunteers. Kindness made her cry.

What makes CCSC's ministry unique is not what our programs and services offer. Rather, it is our organizational culture: a culture that says everyone is worthy of being treated with dignity and respect because as a Christ-based organization, we are called to see the face of Christ in everyone we encounter. Some days that's easy, and some days it's not, but it is a value we strive to live.

Summer is here, and we need more volunteers. So if you're looking to be part of an excellent organization, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Kate Gallup, at

Feeding Hunger, Fostering Hope, Furthering Success
P.O. Box 27924, Houston,
Texas 77227
3434 Branard St,
Houston, TX 77027
Copyright © 2025 Christian Community Services Center
Website made with ❤ by Solace Media