Help Hungry Houston Families

Last night, CCSC had its Council of Church Representatives meeting, and Volunteer Coordinator Erin Donohue provided information on some creative projects a group of people could do to benefit our clients. One of those projects is making "no-sew" blankets, and she shared this story to illustrate the need for blankets.

Erin was in the clothing room at Emergency Services-Central and noticed a middle school-aged boy watching his baby sister while his mother selected clothing for the family. Erin was taking pictures of them and struck up a conversation. The boy asked her if we had a blanket for him, sharing that he and his younger brothers all shared one bed and blanket, and he tucked his brothers in, leaving himself without covers.

She went into the back room, found a no-sew blanket, and brought it out with an apology because the blanket was smaller than the boy. She felt bad that we didn't have a blanket large enough. But she said he lit up as if he had won the lottery, and said "No ma'am, I'm happy to have this blanket!"

Here in Houston, we don't have many cold nights, but I'll bet most of us climb into bed and pull covers around us as we descend into sleep. Now a mature, responsible boy - who helps care for his younger siblings - does also.

Below is a picture of a no-sew blanket, and you can find instructions on how to make them on line.



Feeding Hunger, Fostering Hope, Furthering Success
P.O. Box 27924, Houston,
Texas 77227
3434 Branard St,
Houston, TX 77027
Copyright © 2025 Christian Community Services Center
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