CCSC is open and serving those impacted by Hurricane Beryl and other crises.


Category: About CCSC
November 23, 2016
It's been a busy week!
Thanksgiving week is not quiet around here. The parish of St. Vincent De Paul Catholic finished their food drive Monday, bringing several cars loaded with donations. Bethany Christian Church arrived...
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Category: About CCSC
November 2, 2016
Today in staff meeting
Every Wednesday afternoon our staff gathers for a weekly meeting. We share what's going on in our work area, with those on the front lines also sharing statistics and insight into the...
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Category: CCSC Stories
October 9, 2016
Compassion has a good return on investment
Several years ago, I spoke at a CCSC church, giving a "moment for mission" during worship services. After the service, a woman came over to let me know she was...
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Category: CCSC Stories
September 28, 2016
This is a requested re-run
A couple of you reached out to me after my posting earlier this week, requesting I re-post the blog from December 2013, so it is below. Do we ever give...
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Category: CCSC Stories
September 26, 2016
We helped a veteran today
He's disabled, works part-time, and barely makes it each month. I have a soft spot for veterans. A fair number have come through our doors over the years, and it...
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Category: CCSC Stories
August 25, 2016
How do you wear your stress?
I have a big birthday coming up, so age is on my mind. I confess to being fairly shocked at the person gazing back at me in the mirror: the smile...
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Category: CCSC Stories
August 2, 2016
This really happened to me...
I was sitting at a traffic light, a few cars back, and a homeless woman was up ahead with a sign asking for help. As the light turned green, I slowly...
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Category: About CCSC
July 13, 2016
What we did in June
I enjoy combing through the program statistics, so below is a snapshot of what CCSC's staff and volunteers accomplished last month. We: fed 820 hungry people prevented 75 families from becoming homeless...
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Category: Supporter Highlights
June 28, 2016
Last Saturday was special
Nine years ago, a high school student interned at CCSC for the summer, and she made a strong connection with our mission, clients, and staff. Her name is Danielle Cox, and...
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Category: CCSC Stories
June 16, 2016
Are you fluffy?
Below is a picture of Judy, one of CCSC's Emergency Services & JobNet clients. She's looking for an administrative job, and we've had the privilege of working with her. When...
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Category: CCSC Stories
June 10, 2016
Someone is happy because of your donation
There is a gentleman we've helped several times this year with food and clothing. He is recovering from a stroke (so he's not working), and his family depends on his wife's...
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Category: CCSC Stories
May 27, 2016
I've had some traffic woes
This week I've gotten stuck in Houston traffic several times. Today I was idling next to a city bus and remembered a client many years ago who was searching for work,...
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Feeding Hunger, Fostering Hope, Furthering Success
P.O. Box 27924, Houston,
Texas 77227
3434 Branard St,
Houston, TX 77027
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