Your gift can help struggling families when they face a crisis.


Category: CCSC Stories
December 9, 2014
We help all kinds of people
CCSC helped a man recently who was beaten and robbed twice in his neighborhood. The second incident caused him to be hospitalized for a lengthy period of time, so when he came to...
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Category: Supporter Highlights
November 25, 2014
"Black Friday" and more
There are names for our holiday shopping days: "Black Friday", "Small Business Saturday" and "Cyber Monday". And now there's a movement called "Giving Tuesday" to encourage and celebrate charitable giving. I think of this...
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Category: Supporter Highlights
November 11, 2014
Today is a special day
This morning we dedicated one of our buildings in memory of our founder, Reverend J. Dean Robinson. Dean had big ideas and a generous heart, so a large sign with...
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Category: Supporter Highlights
October 31, 2014
Below is a picture of Myra, a long-time CCSC volunteer who spends at least one day/week working at the Sunshine Resale Shop. Myra is open about her age – she...
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Category: CCSC Stories
October 29, 2014
Can you imagine an empty kitchen?
When my children arrive home from school, they are hungry and tired. So typically they'll eat a snack and relax a bit before doing their homework. That little break and the...
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Category: CCSC Stories
October 8, 2014
We help people improve their lives
Our program staff compile monthly statistics and send them to me and other staff who use the data. The data tells us who we served and how we served them, along with relevant demographic information....
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Category: CCSC Stories
September 12, 2014
Do you use a lawn service?
Lawn care is a good business in Houston with our year-round growing season. CCSC sometimes helps families who operate a lawn service, and recently we helped a single man who brings...
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Category: CCSC Stories
August 29, 2014
It's a new academic year
My children have returned to school, so our family is back to the structured, school-year routine that we hunger for in August but happily abandon in May. I thought we had all...
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Category: CCSC Stories
August 11, 2014
Some people make powerful impressions
I can't stop thinking about a family we helped a few weeks ago. The family is comprised of a mom with three children ranging in age from 16-22. Two of the children...
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Category: About CCSC
July 25, 2014
Has your office changed over the years?
My grandfather worked for a health care company and had a secretary who took dictation, typed up his correspondence, and answered his phone. I imagine that office would have had a mimeograph...
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Category: CCSC Stories
July 10, 2014
Today was a graduation day
Today we graduated a class from the Martha's Way program. (Click here to learn more about this program: ( I attended the graduation and loved being there.  One graduate has already started her housekeeping business, so our...
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Category: About CCSC
June 23, 2014
Try something new in the church world
Over the years, I have spoken at and worshipped in most of CCSC's 41 coalition churches. Being in all of these churches is easily one of the things I enjoy most about...
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Feeding Hunger, Fostering Hope, Furthering Success
P.O. Box 27924, Houston,
Texas 77227
3434 Branard St,
Houston, TX 77027
Copyright © 2024 Christian Community Services Center
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