Help Hungry Houston Families

A couple of Sundays ago, Program Director Karen Holloman gave a "moment for mission" at Bering Drive Church of Christ, promoting a volunteer workday at CCSC. It was her first time to worship at this church, and when she got in the car to leave, she paused and sent me a text to let me know how much she loved being there. This began a back and forth between the two of us, waxing poetic about Bering Drive.

There are other CCSC churches that are equally special, churches we walk into with an agenda - to staff a booth or speak to a group - and leave feeling we were somewhere special. Places that are touched by God; places that make you feel you were in a sacred space.

What makes a church special? There are some who would say it's the theology. And while the beliefs that hold a community together are the foundation of ministry, I've seen strong churches that are progressive as well as those that are conservative. I also don't believe it's the type of worship service (high church vs. low church) or music (church organ vs. a band) or program offerings, although all those things matter in selecting the right church for you.

In spending a lifetime in a wide variety of churches, I believe it's the people who make a church special. Karen's initial text to me that morning used words such as "warm and friendly". That doesn't describe the building or the pews, but the members who welcomed her and made her feel she belonged.

She also mentioned the pastor's message that morning as touching her. Dr. Jeff Christian has a great way about him, and his messages are grounded in scripture, while being relevant to one's daily life. He's pictured below, in the black t-shirt with members of the church who gave up their Saturday morning to put together personal hygiene kits for families in need and organize our abundant Harvey donations.

Thank you to Bering Drive as well as the other CCSC churches that serve as a witness to the love of God, the value of organized religion, and the discipleship that Jesus calls us to live out each day.

Feeding Hunger, Fostering Hope, Furthering Success
P.O. Box 27924, Houston,
Texas 77227
3434 Branard St,
Houston, TX 77027
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