Help Hungry Houston Families
Buzz Magazine September 2023

Ready for School

By Angie Frederickson

Christian Community Service Center’s (CCSC) back-to-school event provided supplies for more than 4,000 Houston-area students as they started the new school year. CCSC held a school registration event at Bellaire United Methodist Church and distributed supplies at Faith Lutheran Church.

Since 1986, CCSC member church congregations, community supporters, and volunteers have worked together to ensure that underserved children have what they need for school. This year, thousands of pre-kindergarten through 12th grade students each received new, grade-appropriate school supplies, a new backpack, and a clothing gift card.

The 2023 back-to-school committee members are (top row, from left): Alma Lopez, Laura Notestine, Elaine Fitzgibbon, Kelly Mathews, Jennifer Rosenfeld, Leisa Novak, Elizabeth Detweiler, Kenya Rodriguez, and Sarah Hans; (bottom row, from left): Karen Womack, Sarah Lopez, and Bronwyn Campbell; not pictured: Whitney Anderson, Kip Haines, Rachelle Maldonado, Mayra Marshall, and Miriam Zatarain.

Feeding Hunger, Fostering Hope, Furthering Success
P.O. Box 27924, Houston,
Texas 77227
3434 Branard St,
Houston, TX 77027
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