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Youth Services

We believe that investing in children positively impacts their lives right now while also creating a better collective future for our community. That's why CCSC offers three programs for underserved youth.

Our Youth Services Programs

Our Youth Services programs are offered at different times of the year.
Back To School
Jingle Bell Express
Louise J. Moran Vision Care Program

Back To School

What: Provides grade-appropriate school supplies and a clothing gift card to low-income students so they can start the school year with the same supplies as their peers.

For who? Students pre-K through 12th Grade living in our 33-zip code service area.

Resources provided: School supplies, a backpack and a clothing gift card are provided for each child.

Address: Back To School is hosted as a community event in central Houston.

Questions? Please call 713-871-9741 if you have questions.

When: Families preregister online in April and then attend in-person registration in May. Supplies, backpacks and a clothing gift card are given out to families at an August community event.

How to Sign Up: In April of each year, parents and guardians are able to preregister online. Check back here in early April for preregistration instructions.

Preregister Here Starting April 1

Jingle Bell Express

What: An outreach program that provides new toys, books and a grocery gift card to families with limited resources so that their children may celebrate the holidays.

For who? Children (newborn to age 15) of families in need who are living in our 33-zip code Youth Services area.

Resources provided: New unwrapped toys, books and a grocery gift card to address play, literacy and hunger.

Address: Jingle Bell Express is hosted as a community event in central Houston.

Questions? Please call 713-871-9741 if you have questions.

When: Families preregister online in September and then attend in-person registration in October. Toys, books and a gift card are given out to families at a December community event.

How to Sign Up: In September of each year, parents and guardians are able to preregister online. Check back here in early September for preregistration instructions.

Louise J. Moran Vision Care Program

What: Eye exams for students who may not have access to professional care and may need glasses to perform well in school.

For who? Students in partner schools who are identified as needing eye exams.

Services provided: Operates in two phases:

  1. CCSC volunteers provide on-site vision screening to students at their campuses, working collaboratively with school nurses to identify children in need.
  2. Follow up field trips are made to the University of Houston’s University Eye Institute (School of Optometry) for professional examinations and eyeglass dispensary services.

Address: Screenings conducted at schools that CCSC partners with in lower income areas.

When: Varies by school.

How to Sign Up: Not available to the public. This program is available only through campus partnerships.

Serving Those in the Following Zip Codes

Because other nonprofits are best able to serve other areas, our 33 zip code Youth Services area is targeted to minimize duplication of services as well as connect our neighbors to the resources that are geographically closest to them.
If you do not live in CCSC’s zip code service area please call 211, the Texas/United Way HELPLINE, to find assistance in your area.

Our Youth Services Program Impact*

*Numbers reflected are from 1/1/2024-12/31/2024
Students started the academic year with new school supplies, backpacks and clothing
Children received new toys and books for Christmas; 1050 families received a grocery gift card to address hunger
Students benefited from vision-screening services administered at their schools
Students were provided professional eye exams;520 of those students received new prescription eyeglasses


  • "Having Back To School is a blessing. Thank you to everyone who makes this possible. My daughter is so excited and happy to get the supplies."
    After signing up her daughter for Back To School
  • "Jingle Bell Express is very helpful. I'm very, very grateful."
    After receiving presents for his two children at Jingle Bell Express
  • "David is a bright kid, but I had to read to him. Then he gets his glasses and, ‘WOW! I can see! My left eye isn’t blurry anymore.’ Now he reads by himself."
    David's fifth grade teacher
    After David received his first pair of glasses through the Louise J. Moran Vision Care Program


Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions about our Youth Services programs. Can't find the answer to your question? Email us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Online preregistration for Back To School occurs in April. Online preregistration for Jingle Bell Express occurs in September. Please check this website for updates during those times and for information on how to access these services.
There are several youth serving organizations across Greater Houston. We recommend calling the United Way HELPLINE–simply dial 2 1 1 from any phone–for other services available in your area.
Each of our programs will publish information about eligibility close to registration time. Please check our website for updates.
Feeding Hunger, Fostering Hope, Furthering Success
P.O. Box 27924, Houston,
Texas 77227
3434 Branard St,
Houston, TX 77027
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