Help Hungry Houston Families


Category: CCSC Stories
August 2, 2016
This really happened to me...
I was sitting at a traffic light, a few cars back, and a homeless woman was up ahead with a sign asking for help. As the light turned green, I slowly...
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Category: About CCSC
July 13, 2016
What we did in June
I enjoy combing through the program statistics, so below is a snapshot of what CCSC's staff and volunteers accomplished last month. We: fed 820 hungry people prevented 75 families from becoming homeless...
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Category: Supporter Highlights
June 28, 2016
Last Saturday was special
Nine years ago, a high school student interned at CCSC for the summer, and she made a strong connection with our mission, clients, and staff. Her name is Danielle Cox, and...
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Category: CCSC Stories
June 16, 2016
Are you fluffy?
Below is a picture of Judy, one of CCSC's Emergency Services & JobNet clients. She's looking for an administrative job, and we've had the privilege of working with her. When...
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Category: CCSC Stories
June 10, 2016
Someone is happy because of your donation
There is a gentleman we've helped several times this year with food and clothing. He is recovering from a stroke (so he's not working), and his family depends on his wife's...
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Category: CCSC Stories
May 27, 2016
I've had some traffic woes
This week I've gotten stuck in Houston traffic several times. Today I was idling next to a city bus and remembered a client many years ago who was searching for work,...
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Category: CCSC Stories
May 12, 2016
We alleviated someone's burden
She is in her mid-twenties and attends a local university, paying for her education by working and receiving some financial aid. She just moved into a new apartment, closer to school, and within...
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Category: Supporter Highlights
April 29, 2016
My son's feet smelled really bad
When I leaned over to tell my teenage son good night, I was assaulted with the smell of dirty socks. It was pungent. With a sheepish grin, he confessed that he...
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Category: CCSC Stories
April 13, 2016
Still finding greatness in the parking lot
When I drove into my regular parking space on Monday morning, I was greeted by Winston. Winston is a former CCSC client who utilized our JobNet program several years ago to find work. In...
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Category: CCSC Stories
March 24, 2016
Living the gospel in the parking lot
I recently visited with a group of clients in the CCSC parking lot. They found our ministry from a nonprofit that helps people with multiple diagnoses to become self-sufficient. CCSC complements their work by providing...
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Category: About CCSC
March 3, 2016
Life is like a cup of coffee
A few months ago I spoke at St. Thomas Episcopal Church. The pastor, The Reverend David Browder, began his sermon with a discussion on how society has changed over time, just...
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Category: CCSC Stories
February 23, 2016
Sometimes you don't ask but just thank
I was giving a “moment for mission” at a church , thanking the congregation for its support, updating them on the ministry, and sharing a recent client story. After the service,...
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Feeding Hunger, Fostering Hope, Furthering Success
P.O. Box 27924, Houston,
Texas 77227
3434 Branard St,
Houston, TX 77027
Copyright © 2025 Christian Community Services Center
Website made with ❤ by Solace Media