Your gift can help struggling families when they face a crisis.


Category: About CCSC
June 11, 2014
Technology is great, but...
I was speaking to a group of students about their careers and was asked an almost rhetorical question: "Being tech savvy is the most important skill to have, right?"  My answer...
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Category: CCSC Stories
May 30, 2014
Summer isn't great for everyone
As I write this, my daughter is taking her last final, and my son is already out of school. They are ready for the unstructured days of summer. While they have some...
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Category: Supporter Highlights
May 16, 2014
A lesson to share
I was at a memorial service for a CCSC volunteer and was introduced to his adult children. Upon hearing where I worked, the daughter said, "volunteering at CCSC changed his...
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Category: Supporter Highlights
April 26, 2014
What's your legacy?
Two nights ago, CCSC held its annual Azalea Dinner to celebrate our mission and raise funds.  In the midst of the evening, we received news that our founder, Dean Robinson, had passed away...
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Category: CCSC Stories
April 10, 2014
I had a pity party last week
Last week I had a virus, one that makes you feel miserable and wishing scientists would find a cure for the common cold.  In addition, my husband was out of...
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Category: CCSC Stories
March 14, 2014
What kind of driver are you?
If you read my last post, you’ll see that I address the misconception that all poor people are alike and cheat the system.  A friend read the post, and with...
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Category: About CCSC
March 10, 2014
Questions on poverty
A few months ago, I spoke to a group of people giving a CCSC talk, outlining our mission and programs.  Near the end, I opened it up for questions.  Several people...
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Category: About CCSC
February 28, 2014
No thank you
Recently, some colleagues and I discussed how our offices process donations. We began the conversation because one of us had received a mailing from another nonprofit.  In small print, at...
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Category: About CCSC
February 4, 2014
Do you know our mission?
The mission of the Christian Community Service Center (CCSC) is to serve the poor, hungry, disabled, and otherwise needy while respecting their religious, ethnic or cultural differences. CCSC was created...
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Category: Supporter Highlights
January 31, 2014
Sometimes it's okay to talk to a stranger
This morning, staff member Stephanie Hodge was at a local grocery store picking up some of the "Red Barrel" bags.  You know those barrels:  they are in most grocery stores and the...
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Category: CCSC Stories
January 17, 2014
With apologies to mathematicians, numbers aren't everything
We are working hard to finalize our 2013 numbers to report the year's results. This involves our financials as well as our program statistics and outcomes.  Essentially, CCSC had a good...
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Category: About CCSC
January 8, 2014
Christmas Isn't Over
There is a poem I read this time of year that I find inspiring.  It's called "The Work of Christmas" by Henry Thurman: When the star in the sky is...
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Feeding Hunger, Fostering Hope, Furthering Success
P.O. Box 27924, Houston,
Texas 77227
3434 Branard St,
Houston, TX 77027
Copyright © 2024 Christian Community Services Center
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