CCSC is open and serving those impacted by Hurricane Beryl and other crises.


February 15, 2024
Category: CCSC Stories
People You've Helped, Thank You!
People You've Helped, Thank You! CCSC’s two Emergency Services sites help with food and financial assistance when our neighbors face a crisis. Each day is different, and every person in...
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December 31, 2018
Category: CCSC Stories
5 Ways to Stay Positive While Job Searching
Does job searching have you down? You have spent many hours reviewing different job descriptions. You’ve tweakedyour resume for each job you’re applying and written many cover letters that youliterally...
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November 5, 2018
Category: CCSC Stories
Some things bloom in their own time
Last spring, I planted two vines from seed in my garden, and both were supposed to begin blooming within 10-12 weeks. While the foliage was gorgeous, we went through the...
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May 11, 2018
Category: CCSC Stories
Coincidence or divine providence?
I ran into a long-time CCSC friend, who reminded me of a story from the 1990s that made a strong impression on him. A client had come to Emergency Services-Central...
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May 4, 2018
Category: CCSC Stories
This was a happy Friday
On this particular Friday, a gentleman came in needing some personal hygiene items and clothing to stretch his budget for the month. Nothing else. When the volunteer pulled up his...
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April 5, 2018
Category: CCSC Stories
He found a job
He's one of the many people who have been helping Houston recover these last six months. He's worked construction by rehabbing homes damaged by the storm. The work is slowing...
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March 7, 2018
Category: CCSC Stories
This boy needed a blanket
Last night, CCSC had its Council of Church Representatives meeting, and Volunteer Coordinator Erin Donohue provided information on some creative projects a group of people could do to benefit our...
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January 12, 2018
Category: CCSC Stories
We learn from those we serve
She works one full-time job and two part-time jobs to provide for herself and put her daughter through medical school. Three jobs. Then the bottom fell out. She was laid...
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January 6, 2018
Category: CCSC Stories
In the days before Christmas
We helped a family fleeing a violent situation by paying their rent, providing Christmas toys for the three children, and connecting the mother to additional resources. They were not only...
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August 25, 2017
Category: CCSC Stories
From client to employer - success!
“Alma” was referred to CCSC's *Martha’s Way program by her mother, who was a graduate and believed the program would be beneficial for her daughter.  Alma attended college at the...
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Feeding Hunger, Fostering Hope, Furthering Success
P.O. Box 27924, Houston,
Texas 77227
3434 Branard St,
Houston, TX 77027
Copyright © 2024 Christian Community Services Center
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